Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Homemade Tomato Ketchup


• 3 tomatoes
• 1/2 an onion
• 4 tbs vinegar
• 3 tbs honey
• 1 tbs starch
• 1 bay leaft
• salt to taste

1. Wash the onion and tomato and put in the Slow Juicer using the fruit (yellow) strainer.
2. Mix one spoonful of the extraction with starch.
3. Boil the remaining extraction with a bay leaf.
4. When it becomes thick, add honey, vinegar, and salt to taste.
5. Add the prepared starch mixture and turn off the heat when it starts to boil.
6. Remove bay leaf and put in a bottle and refrigerate.
7. The ketchup will last about a month in the refrigerator.

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